Deaf Reformed Presbyterian Churches (DRPC)
With a desire to be faithful to submit to the Word of God and to establish accountability between Deaf churches, Deaf Reformed Presbyterian Churches (DRPC) does ordain this Constitution, to be the law for government, doctrine, worship, and work.
Article 1. God, the Father, has put all things under His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and gave Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body (Eph. 1:22-23). Christ is the head of the church; the Savior of the body (Eph. 5:23). As Christ has promised, He will build His church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it (Matt. 16:18).
Article 2. All baptized persons are members of the Church. There are two types of members: communicant and non-communicant. Non-communicant members are the baptized children of at least one believing parent. Non-communicant members have the privilege of receiving the instruction and the nurture of the church, but are not permitted to partake in the Lord’s Supper. Persons are communicant members after confirmation or profession of faith. Communicant members shall have the full rights and privileges of the Church and can lose them only by due process of discipline (Matt. 18:15-20).
Article 3. A congregation may join DRPC by affirming the Bible as the Word of God and the Westminster Confession of Faith as its subordinate standards of faith and doctrine, and by organizing in accordance with this Constitution.
Article 4. Men who are communicant members may become elders or deacons if they meet the qualifications outlined in 1 Timothy 3. These officers will be elected by voting members who are in good standing of that congregation, before being installed as officers.
Article 5. Before any man can be installed as the pastor of a DRPC congregation, the Session must submit his name to the Synod for examination. The congregation may not vote until after that man has passed the required examination by Synod, and has been declared a candidate for the office of minister of the Word.
If the Session and/or congregation believe that a minister is unfaithful in doctrine or practice, they must notify the Synod. Additionally, the minister must notify Synod when any of his beliefs have become contrary to the Bible and/or the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Article 6. Each congregation shall be governed by a Session, which includes all pastors and elders in that congregation. In case of a congregation having only one pastor or elder, the Synod shall assign an elder from another congregation on loan to assist in spiritual matters.
Article 7. Any matter that cannot be resolved within a congregation should be referred to the Synod, by either the Session or at the request of at least one-third of the communicant members. In matters of church discipline, the person who is under discipline may appeal to Synod.
Article 8. Synod shall meet at least once every two years. The majority of ministers and elders present shall constitute a quorum. Synod may meet at other times as needed. Synod is the highest judicatory and the last resort in all cases respecting the government of DRPC.
Article 9. This Constitution may be amended or altered by a two-thirds vote of the Synod.